Results for 'Ana María Fernández Poncela'

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  1.  11
    The emotions in a electoral journal.Ana María Fernández Poncela - 2020 - Polis 16 (2):7-38.
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    Corrigendum: Comparison of Personal, Social and Academic Variables Related to University Drop-out and Persistence.Ana Bernardo, María Esteban, Estrella Fernández, Antonio Cervero, Ellián Tuero & Paula Solano - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Virtual cities as a tool for democratization in developing countries.Ana María Fernández-Maldonado - 2005 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 18 (1):43-61.
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    Prevalence of psychopathy in a community sample of Spanish adults: Definitions and measurements matter.Ana Sanz-García, María Elena Peña Fernández, María Paz García-Vera & Jesús Sanz - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The main objective of this work is to examine the prevalence of psychopathy in the general adult population from the main currently existing theoretical perspectives of psychopathy, using for this purpose the five-factor or Big Five model as a common language that allows the comparison and integration of the personality traits considered as defining psychopathy by these different perspectives. The NEO Personality Inventory-Revised was applied to a sample of 682 adults of the general Spanish population. The prevalence of clinical and (...)
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    Defining and characterising the nurse–patient relationship: A concept analysis.Regina Allande-Cussó, Elena Fernández-García & Ana María Porcel-Gálvez - 2022 - Nursing Ethics 29 (2):462-484.
    The nurse-patient relationship involves complex attitudes and behaviours with ethical and deontological implications. It has been linked to improvements in patient health outcomes, although there is still no consensus in the scientific literature as to the definition and characterisation of the concept. This article aim to define the concept of the nurse-patient relationship. A concept analysis was conducted using the Walker and Avant method to identify the attributes defining the nurse-patient relationship. An integrative review of the literature was conducted using (...)
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    How work setting and job experience affect professional nurses’ values.Ana Fernández-Feito, María del Rosario Palmeiro-Longo, Salomé Basurto Hoyuelos & Vanesa García-Díaz - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (1):134-147.
    Background: The development of professional values in nursing is directly related to quality and ethical clinical practise and may also increase practitioner and patients’ satisfaction. Some factors, such as work setting or work experience, can influence the importance granted to the professional values of nursing. Objectives: To compare in primary care nurses and hospital care nurses the importance granted to professional values and to contrast this perception as a function of professional experience. Research design, participants and research context: Descriptive cross-sectional (...)
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  7.  24
    The Omission of Accent Marks Does Not Hinder Word Recognition: Evidence From Spanish.Ana Marcet, María Fernández-López, Melanie Labusch & Manuel Perea - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Recent research has found that the omission of accent marks in Spanish does not produce slower word identification times in go/no-go lexical decision and semantic categorization tasks [e.g., cárcel = carcel], thus suggesting that vowels like á and a are represented by the same orthographic units during word recognition and reading. However, there is a discrepant finding with the yes/no lexical decision task, where the words with the omitted accent mark produced longer response times than the words with the accent (...)
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    Antisocial Behavior and Interpersonal Values in High School Students.María del Mar Molero Jurado, María del Carmen Pérez Fuentes, José J. Carrión Martínez, Antonio Luque de la Rosa, Anabella Garzón Fernández, África Martos Martínez, Maria del Mar Simón Márquez, Ana B. Barragán Martín & José J. Gázquez Linares - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  9. Ana María Fernández (2008) Las lógicas colectivas. Imaginarios, cuerpos y multiplicidades Buenos Aires, Editorial Biblos, Colección Sin Fronteras, Segunda edición. 311 p.p. [REVIEW]Mariangel Alvarez - 2013 - Apuntes Filosóficos 22 (42).
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    The Ethics of Care in Disaster Contexts from a Gender and Intersectional Perspective.Rosario González-Arias, María Aránzazu Fernández-Rodríguez & Ana Gabriela Fernández-Saavedra - 2024 - Philosophies 9 (3):64.
    Feminist reflections on the sexual division of labour have given rise to a body of knowledge on the ethics of care from different disciplines, including philosophy, in which outstanding contributions to the topic have been formulated. This approach is applicable to the analysis of any phenomenon and particularly that of disasters. As various investigations have highlighted, the consequences on the population throughout all of a disaster’s phases (prevention, emergency, and reconstruction) require an analysis of differentiated vulnerabilities based on gender and (...)
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    The Progressive Approach to EMDR Group Therapy for Complex Trauma and Dissociation: A Case-Control Study.Ana I. Gonzalez-Vazquez, Lucía Rodriguez-Lago, Maria T. Seoane-Pillado, Isabel Fernández, Francisca García-Guerrero & Miguel A. Santed-Germán - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Comparison of Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy as Adjunctive Treatments for Recurrent Depression: The European Depression EMDR Network Randomized Controlled Trial.Luca Ostacoli, Sara Carletto, Marco Cavallo, Paula Baldomir-Gago, Giorgio Di Lorenzo, Isabel Fernandez, Michael Hase, Ania Justo-Alonso, Maria Lehnung, Giuseppe Migliaretti, Francesco Oliva, Marco Pagani, Susana Recarey-Eiris, Riccardo Torta, Visal Tumani, Ana I. Gonzalez-Vazquez & Arne Hofmann - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Treatment Outcome in Male Gambling Disorder Patients Associated with Alcohol Use.Susana Jiménez-Murcia, Amparo Del Pino-Gutiérrez, Fernando Fernández-Aranda, Roser Granero, Anders Hakänsson, Salomé Tárrega, Ana Valdepérez, Neus Aymamí, Mónica Gómez-Peña, Laura Moragas, Marta Baño, Anne Sauvaget, Maria Romeu, Trevor Steward & José M. Menchón - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  14. Apuntes sobre el pensamiento matemático de Ramón Llull (traducción de Ana María Palos).Ana María Palos - 1989 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 4 (2):451-459.
  15.  35
    Diagnosing disagreements: The authentication of the positron 1931–1934.Ana-Maria Creţu - 2020 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 70:28-38.
  16. Perspectival Instruments.Ana-Maria Creţu - 2022 - Philosophy of Science 89 (3):521-541.
    Despite its potential implications for the objectivity of scientific knowledge, the claim that “scientific instruments are perspectival” has received little critical attention. I show that this claim is best understood as highlighting the dependence of instruments on different perspectives. When closely analyzed, instead of constituting a novel epistemic challenge, this dependence can be exploited to mount novel strategies for resolving two old epistemic problems: conceptual relativism and theory-ladeness. The novel content of this article consists in articulating and developing these strategies (...)
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  17.  58
    Understanding Neural Oscillations in the Human Brain: From Movement to Consciousness and Vice Versa.Ana Maria Cebolla & Guy Cheron - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Indigenous Development and the Cultural Captivity of Entrepreneurship.Ana María Peredo & Murdith McLean - 2013 - Business and Society 52 (4):592-620.
    This article argues that thinking about entrepreneurship as a potential instrument for relief from endemic poverty and disadvantage, especially among the Indigenous, has all too often been captive to a concept of entrepreneurship that is built out of constrained economic and cultural assumptions. The authors develop this argument from a critical discussion of contributions by Karl Polanyi and Robert Heilbroner. The result is that approaches to venture have been encouraged that are sometimes a poor fit for the circumstances of those (...)
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  19.  49
    Mapping Concepts and Issues in the Ethics of the Commons: Introduction to the Special Issue.Ana María Peredo, Helen M. Haugh, Marek Hudon & Camille Meyer - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 166 (4):659-672.
    We introduce the papers in this special issue by providing an overarching perspective on the variety in kinds of commons and the ethical issues stemming from their diversity. Despite a long history of local commons management, recent decades have witnessed a surge of scholarly interest in the concept of “the commons,” including a growing management literature. This swell was impelled especially by Garrett Hardin’s paper of 1968, and the body of work generated by Elinor Ostrom and her colleagues. However, the (...)
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  20.  35
    On the Spin Projection Operator and the Probabilistic Meaning of the Bipartite Correlation Function.Ana María Cetto, Andrea Valdés-Hernández & Luis de la Peña - 2020 - Foundations of Physics 50 (1):27-39.
    Spin is a fundamental and distinctive property of the electron, having far-reaching implications. Yet its purely formal treatment often blurs the physical content and meaning of the spin operator and associated observables. In this work we propose to advance in disclosing the meaning behind the formalism, by first recalling some basic facts about the one-particle spin operator. Consistently informed by and in line with the quantum formalism, we then proceed to analyse in detail the spin projection operator correlation function \=\left\langle (...)
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  21.  26
    De la filosofía moral popular a la metafísica de las costumbres.Ana María Fajardo Fajardo - 2024 - Revista Internacional de Filosofía Teórica y Práctica 2 (1):193-205.
    El presente artículo hace a una reflexión sobre Kant y su énfasis en el apriorismo moral, sobre todo en cuanto se refiere al concepto de deber en la pura razón. Dicho concepto juega un papel fundamental como criterio de valor de la acción moral; una acción es moral en tanto sea hecha por deber y nada más que por deber. ¿Qué es el deber y dónde se fundamenta?, es de lo que se va a tratar el presente texto; igualmente nos (...)
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  22.  40
    Business and Human Rights, from Theory to Practice and Law to Morality: Taking a Philosophical Look at the Proposed UN Treaty.Ana-Maria Pascal - 2021 - Philosophy of Management 20 (2):167-200.
    This paper considers the UN efforts to introduce a legally binding Treaty on corporate accountability for human rights impacts in the context of other proposed legislation at country level, on the one hand, and existing voluntary initiatives like the UN Guiding Principles (2011), on the other. What we are interested in is whether the proposed Treaty signals a transition from voluntary initiatives (based on moral commitments) to law (that is, a focus on compliance), and the extent to which it might (...)
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    Julían marías, in memoriam.Ana María Araújo - 2006 - Ideas Y Valores 55 (130):77-80.
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    Normative Data for 111 Compound Remote Associates Test Problems in Romanian.Ana-Maria Olteţeanu, Mihaela Taranu & Thea Ionescu - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
  25.  37
    El acompañamiento pedagógico en centros educativos de difícil desempeño: un derecho de los docentes nóveles.Ana María Martín Cuadrado, María José Corral Carrillo & Antonio Fernando Estrada Parra - 2021 - Revista Ethika+ 3:147-165.
    La mentoría como programa de formación en el inicio de la vida profesional del docente principiante se presenta como una oportunidad para la mejora de la calidad de las instituciones educativas y de sus agentes. Al mismo tiempo, revierte sobre la comunidad y el territorio donde se ubica. En contextos reconocidos como vulnerables se necesitan agentes educativos vocacionales y con un alto nivel de resiliencia, y con una meta clara: formar a personas plenas que contribuyan con su sentir, ser y (...)
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    (1 other version)Comentarios a los trabajos de Norma Ratto y José María Vaquer.Ana María Lorandi - 2015 - Corpus: Archivos virtuales de la alteridad americana 5 (2).
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    Meus dizeres e fazeres em torno de Paulo Freire: uma vida de dedicação.Ana Maria Araújo Freire - 2024 - Rio de Janeiro: Paz & Terra.
    Reunião de ensaios em comemoração aos 90 anos de vida de Ana Maria Araújo Freire, viúva de Paulo Freire. Ana Maria Araújo Freire é reconhecida por seus esforços e seu êxito na divulgação do pensamento do Patrono da Educação Brasileira. Nita, como é carinhosamente conhecida, tem também uma prestiogosa trajetória: é mestre e doutora em Educação pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, época em que foi orientada por Paulo Freire. Em 1986, ambos já viúvos, os então amigos recifenses se (...)
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    EEG Spectral Generators Involved in Motor Imagery: A swLORETA Study.Ana-Maria Cebolla, Ernesto Palmero-Soler, Axelle Leroy & Guy Cheron - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Digital Skills and Labour Market Resilience.Ana-Maria Zamfir & Anamaria Beatrice Aldea - 2020 - Postmodern Openings 11 (1Sup2):188-195.
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    Towards a Multi-level Exploration of Human and Computational Re-representation in Unified Cognitive Frameworks.Ana-Maria Olteţeanu, Mikkel Schöttner & Arpit Bahety - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Narratives and the role of philosophy in cross-disciplinary studies: emerging research and opportunities.Ana-Maria Pascal - 2018 - Hershey: IGI Global.
    This book focuses on the role of philosophy across disciples. It gives several examples of how philosophical theories or particular concepts or lines of arguments, can be used in other (non-philosophical) disciplines, such as politics, business, psychology, art, and film studies.
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  32. Las operaciones ocultas de la naturaleza: Tomás de Aquino y la introducción de dos tipos de anomalías en la estructura física aristotélica.Ana Maria Carmen Minecan - 2017 - Agora 36 (1):31-51.
    El presente artículo analiza la asimilación en la obra de Tomás de Aquino de los principios fundamentales del necesitarismo físico aristotélico así como la introducción, desde el punto de vista de la cosmología cristiana, dos tipos de fenómenos ajenos a la filosofía de la naturaleza de Aristóteles: las operaciones ocultas de la naturaleza y los milagros. Se estudia la postura del Aquinate en torno al magnetismo, las mareas, las propiedades terapéuticas de los compuestos y el origen de los poderes de (...)
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  33. O pós-abolição como problema histórico: balanços e perspectivas.Ana Maria Rios & Hebe Maria Mattos - 2004 - Topoi 5 (8):170.
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  34. The Problem of Contraries and Prime Matter in the Reception of Aristotle’s Physical Corpus in the Work of Thomas Aquinas.Ana Maria C. Minecan - 2016 - Svmma Revista de Cultures Medievals 7:20-39.
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    Avoiding Discomfort, Implying Consent: The Role of Euphemism in Establishing Evidence of Sexual Violence at the International Criminal Court.Ana-Maria Jerca - 2024 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 37 (2):429-447.
    The International Criminal Court (ICC) is responsible for prosecuting individuals for heinous crimes that take place during civil and/or international armed conflicts, including sexual violence. Prosecuting this crime relies primarily on survivor accounts, but witnesses often fear the psychological effects of giving such testimony, particularly because there is a high risk of retraumatization, a stigma associated with victimhood, and a fear of victim-blaming. Thus, the Court’s Victims and Witness Unit (VWU) puts forth provisions for questioning vulnerable witnesses, requiring, in part, (...)
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  36. Los juegos estéticos de la naturaleza en la Edad Media: de la iluminación metafísica del neoplatonismo a la seducción de lo corpóreo del neoaristotelismo.Ana Maria C. Minecan - 2016 - Escritura E Imagen 12:151-171.
    This article analyzes the evolution of aesthetic role of the nature in the Middle Ages from the point of view of the philosophical systems influence on the interpretation of the corporal as a legitim way to the knowledge of the truth. it studies the intimate approach of neo-platonism, the shaping of its premises in the rejection of physical beauty and the change that occured after the assimilation of Aristotelianism toward a naturalistic outsourcing of the intellectual and artistic interests.
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  37. The Aquinas's criticism of the cosmological models of the 13th century : a step in the developement of scientific skepticism - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval.Ana Maria C. Minecan - 2016 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 23:217-228.
    This article analyzes the treatment of natural philosophy in the work of Thomas Aquinas from the point of view of assimilation of the Aristotelian physical corpus. It focuses primarily on the Aquinas’s defense of the conception of the fallibility of the natural reason, the provisional and revisable character of all physical theories, the necessity of intercultural dialogue to discover the truths about nature, and Aquinas’s role in the development of the skeptical attitude in scientific research of the mobile’s world.
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    What good is realism about natural kinds?Ana-Maria Creţu & Ana-Maria Cretu - 2018 - Dissertation, University of Edinburgh
    Classifications are useful and efficient. We group things into kinds to facilitate the acquisition and transmission of important, often tacit, information about a particular entity qua member of some kind. Whilst it is universally acknowledged that classifications are useful, some scientific classifications (e.g. chemical elements) are held to higher epistemic standards than folk classifications (e.g. bugs). Scientific classifications in terms of ‘natural kinds’ are considered to be more reliable and successful because they are highly projectible and support law-like and inductive (...)
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    Caracterización de los pobres en la literatura paremiológica andalusí.Ana María Carballeira - 2006 - Al-Qantara 27 (1):105-135.
    El objetivo de este artículo es contribuir a un conocimiento más exhaustivo de la historia socio-económica de al-Andalus en general y del tema de la pobreza involuntaria en particular. La literatura paremiológica andalusí proporciona un caudal de información nada desdeñable en relación con los diferentes aspectos relativos al tema en cuestión, tales como la concepción de la pobreza, sus causas y consecuencias, así como las distintas formas de contrarrestarla por parte de los afectados y del prójimo. El refranero andalusí pone (...)
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  40.  14
    Virtud y Felicidad: Análisis Desde la Antropología Cartesiana y El Pensamiento Comunitario de Spinoza.Ana María Ayala Román - 2017 - Praxis Filosófica 44:169-191.
    El objetivo de este escrito es el de develar la relación entre felicidad y virtud, remitiendo esta relación a la concepción de la naturaleza o especificidad ontológica del hombre. Para este objetivo se estudiará principalmente los pensamientos cartesiano y spinozista con el fin de mostrar dos vertientes contrarias, pero que se encuentran en diálogo. La diferencia que se intentará mostrar entre estos pensamientos del siglo XVII está cimentada en el pensamiento antropológico cartesiano de corte individualista y el pensamiento comunitario de (...)
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    Zubiri en (frente a) la historia de la metafísica.Ana María Andaluz Romanillos - 2009 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 36:321-368.
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  42. Angel González Alvarez: Filosofía De La Educación.Maria Fernández Serrano & Staff - 1953 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 12 (45):307.
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  43. F. J. J. Buytendijk: Phénomenologie De La Rencontre.Maria Fernández Serrano & Staff - 1953 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 12 (45):310.
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    Special issue on decolonialism from a Latin perspective.Ana María Talak, Hernán Camillo Pullido Martínez & Arthur Arruda Leal Ferreira - 2024 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 44 (3):141-142.
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    Movimientos en el vacío: cuestiones en torno a la asimilación de la teoría aristotélica del plenuum en la visión cosmológica de Tomás de Aquino.Ana Maria C. Minecan - 2016 - Hybris, Revista de Filosofí­A 7 (1):11-30.
    El presente artículo analiza los puntos fundamentales de la asimilación por parte de Tomás de Aquino de la teoría aristotélica del vacío incidiendo en los elementos de concordia y distensión entre ambos autores. Se estudia el tratamiento ofrecido por el Aquinate a la cuestión del desplazamiento en espacios carentes de un medio que ofrezca resistencia, la transmisión por contacto del movimiento, la forma esférica del cosmos, el problema del vacío supracelestial y la introducción de un nuevo tipo de movimiento atribuible (...)
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    Scientific Rationality, Experience of Limit, and the Problem of Life and Death in ‘Tractatus’.Ana María Rabe - 2016 - In José María Ariso & Astrid Wagner, Rationality Reconsidered: Ortega y Gasset and Wittgenstein on Knowledge, Belief, and Practice. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 237-266.
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    Les fondements sémantiques de la préférence pour manipuler ou modifier dans le contexte de la bioéthique.Ana-Maria Lehtonen Cozma - 2023 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage 21.
    Cette étude vise à comprendre les spécificités sémantiques des lexèmes manipuler et modifier afin d’éclairer l’usage qui en est fait en bioéthique lorsque les actions désignées ont comme objet l’embryon, le cerveau, l’ADN, l’Homme, le vivant ou la procréation. En s’appuyant sur les définitions des dictionnaires et sur les réponses à un questionnaire soumis aux locuteurs, et en se servant de concepts de la sémantique combinatoire, de la sémantique argumentative, de la sémantique des cadres et de l’aspect sémantique, l’étude identifie (...)
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    A experiência de formação de professores de ciências e matemática em um curso interdisciplinar.Ana Maria Santos Gouw, Patricia Rosana Linardi & Reginaldo Alberto Meloni - 2023 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 27:505-512.
    Este trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar a experiência de construção de um curso de formação de professores de ciências e de matemática com caráter interdisciplinar. O trabalho foi desenvolvido a partir da interpretação de alguns aspectos da história da educação em ciências e matemática no Brasil que ainda se manifestam nas práticas pedagógicas e dos contextos político e social nos quais se desenvolveu a experiência de construção do Curso de Ciências – licenciatura da Universidade Federal de São Paulo. A tradição (...)
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    Teología y falsación.Ana María Fajardo Fajardo & William-Oswaldo Aparicio-Gómez - 2024 - Revista Internacional de Filosofía Teórica y Práctica 3 (1):107-117.
    En el campo de la filosofía de la religión se destaca el libro Creencia y racionalidad (Romerales, 1992), por su calidad, originalidad y en especial por sus aportaciones como las de John Hick, Anthony Flew, Alvin Plantinga, o Richard Swinburne. El mencionado libro recoge algunos de los artículos más destacados de estos y otros autores en torno a la racionalidad de las creencias religiosas. Aparecen tres posiciones que se encuentran expuestas mediante parábolas. Aquí Karl Popper somete una teoría a una (...)
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    La música en el desarrollo de la espiritualidad y la religiosidad. Una aproximación al Cristianismo y al Budismo.Ana María Gutiérrez - 2015 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 20:91-110.
    La música puede afectar al individuo en todos sus niveles –físico, mental y espiritual–. El presente artículo se centra en el papel que ésta desempeña en el desarrollo de la vida espiritual y trascendental. Para ello, realizaremos un repaso histórico de su evolución estética y social, abordaremos dicho fenómeno a nivel fisiológico y presentaremos sus aplicaciones clínicas y sociales. Seguidamente y a modo de ejemplo de las concepciones de pensamiento occidental y oriental, trataremos la forma en que el cristianismo y (...)
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